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Duties of a Pastor, Part 7


Pastor Jay continues to explore the role of the pastor. Here, the duty is that of a builder. ...

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Question about Baptism

This is a brief answer to a question about baptism....

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Duties of a Pastor, Part 6


In the sixth part of our series on the Duties of a Pastor, Jay lays out the case that elders/pastors guard the flock....

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Duties of a Pastor, Part 4


An important duty for pastors and elders is prayer. In this post we consider why that is so. ...

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Duties of a Pastor, Part 5

train engine

In this fifth part on the duties of a pastor, we look at the duty to lead. Pastors, especially together with all the pastor/elders, lead the church in a biblical direction. ...

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Mentoring, Wax On; Wax Off!

karate kid

Don't think of mentoring as too small or too big. God equips us to have a positive influence in the lives of others. ...

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Duties of a Pastor, Part 3

sheep feeding

Pastors preach and teach the word. That duty is paramount in his care for the sheep....

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Duties of a Pastor, Part 2


Pastor Jay continues to explain the duties of a pastor. Today, in part 2, he looks at the all-encompassing duty of soul care. ...

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Duties of a Pastor Pt.1

border collie

Pastor Jay explains the role and duties of pastors. In the opening post on the topic, he explains the connection between pastor and elder. ...

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Mask Mandate

Dear Church Family, As you probably know, Barton County has issued a mask mandate for indoor public spaces. There are exempt groups, which according to the Tribune include the following: "children under 5 years of age, people who can't wear a mask because of a physical or mental condition, people for whom wearing a face covering would create a risk related to their work,...

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