A Glad Heart

December 1, 2013 Speaker: Jay Beuoy

Pastor Jay continues his "Guard Your Heart" series this week, with a sermon titled "A Glad Heart", based on Psalm 4:7. [powerpress] Psalm 4:7 (ESV)

You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.
We ought to pursue a genuinely glad heart.
  • A genuinely glad heart reaches beyond what is common.
  • A genuinely glad heart finds joy in God’s goodness and provision.
  • A genuinely glad heart finds joy in God’s word.
  • A genuinely glad heart finds joy in God’s salvation.
  • A genuinely glad heart finds joy in God Himself.
Parent Connection Questions:
  • What is something that makes you really happy?
  • What is one thing that made your heart happy this past week?
  • Can you be happy during a sad moment?
  • How can God make our hearts happy?